UCOR Accepting Proposals for Education Mini-Grant Program

For Immediate Release Contact: Ashley Hartman Ashley.Hartman@ettp.doe.gov (865) 574-7231 Oak Ridge, Tenn., February 23, 2017 – For the sixth consecutive year, URS | CH2M Oak Ridge LLC (UCOR) is accepting proposals from area schools for educational mini-grants for instructional projects related to science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). UCOR Education Mini-Grants will be awarded directly…

Rueter Elected to National Construction Safety Board

For Immediate Release Contact: Ashley Hartman Ashley.Hartman@ettp.doe.gov (865) 574-7231 OAK RIDGE, Tennessee, December 7, 2016 — Kenneth J. Rueter, President and Project Manager of URS| CH2M Oak Ridge LLC (UCOR), the Department of Energy’s lead cleanup contractor at the East Tennessee Technology Park in Oak Ridge, has been elected to the Board of Directors of…

Rueter Wins Prestigious Chemical Engineers Award

For Immediate Release Contact: Ashley Hartman Ashley.Hartman@ettp.doe.gov (865) 574-7231 OAK RIDGE, Tennessee, November 15, 2016 – Kenneth J. Rueter, President and Project Manager of URS | CH2M Oak Ridge, LLC (UCOR), has been named recipient of the prestigious 2016 Management Division Award presented by the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE). Rueter will receive the…

Dept. of Energy completes decade-long project at Oak Ridge gaseous diffusion complex

For Immediate Release Contact: Ben Williams http://www.energy.gov/orem (865) 574-4912 Oak Ridge, Tenn. – Today, national, state, and local officials joined nearly 1,500 employees to watch the final wall of Building K-27 fall at the East Tennessee Technology Park, marking the first time in world history that all of a site’s uranium-enrichment gaseous diffusion buildings have…

UCOR Presents 2016 Small Business Awards

For Immediate Release Contact: Ashley Hartman Ashley.Hartman@ettp.doe.gov (865) 574-7231 Oak Ridge, Tennessee, August 16, 2016 – URS |CH2M Oak Ridge LLC (UCOR) has presented awards to six small businesses to recognize their exceptional efforts in supporting its cleanup contract on the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge Reservation. UCOR is responsible for cleaning up East Tennessee…

UCOR Awards Mini-Grants for Local School Projects

For Immediate Release Contact: Anne E. Smith Anne.Smith@ettp.doe.gov (865) 574-8046 Oak Ridge, Tennessee, May 9, 2016 – URS | CH2M Oak Ridge LLC (UCOR) is pleased to announce 20 winners of the UCOR Education Mini-Grant Program. One of UCOR’s primary objectives is to support and encourage education initiatives. The Mini-Grant Program was designed to recognize…

UCOR Awards Small Business Contracts

For Immediate Release Contact: Anne E. Smith Anne.Smith@ettp.doe.gov (865) 574-8046 OAK RIDGE, TN, March 15, 2016 — UCOR has awarded three contracts totaling nearly $1 million to small businesses for services associated with the cleanup of the East Tennessee Technology Park (ETTP). ESG Construction, LLC, of Knoxville, Tennessee, was awarded a contract for $450,000 to…

UCOR Accepting Proposals for Education Mini-Grant Program

For Immediate Release Contact: Anne E. Smith Anne.Smith@ettp.doe.gov (865) 574-8046 Oak Ridge, Tenn., March 2, 2016 – URS | CH2M Oak Ridge LLC (UCOR) is accepting proposals from area schools for educational mini-grants for instructional projects related to science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). UCOR Education Mini-Grants will be awarded directly to teachers and schools…

K-27 Demolition Will Fulfill DOE’s Vision 2016

For Immediate Release Contact: Mike Koentop Mike.koentop@orem.doe.gov (865) 574-3674 Contact: Anne E. Smith Anne.Smith@ettp.doe.gov (865) 574-8046 OAK RIDGE, Tenn., February 8, 2016 – Demolition of the K-27 gaseous diffusion building began today, moving the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) a step closer to fulfilling its Vision 2016—the removal of all gaseous diffusion buildings from the…