We are cleaning up contaminated, unused facilities on the Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR). In addition to removing excess facilities, we maintain facilities across ORR that are waiting for disposition. We also provide critical upgrades to extend the life of active, but aging, facilities. This continues the same work done by the former UCOR from 2011 to 2022.
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What's New
Crews at Oak Ridge recently achieved a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management 2024 priority by initiating demolition on a facility in the Manhattan Project-era Alpha-2 complex at the Y-12 National Security Complex.The Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management (OREM) and contractor UCOR began deactivating the Alpha-2 complex in 2020. It includes three major buildings.
What's New
Another United Cleanup Oak Ridge (UCOR) safety professional has been recognized nationally for outstanding performance and commitment to the company’s safety culture. The Department of Energy Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) presented Tom Perkes, UCOR’s sustainability project manager, with the Contractor Champions Award at the Voluntary Protection Program Participants’ Association’s 2024 Safety+ Symposium in Colorado.
What's New
The Tennessee Chamber of Commerce and Industry presented United Cleanup Oak Ridge with the organization’s Outstanding Achievement in Environmental Excellence Award at the Tennessee Sustainability Conference in Gatlinburg. The TCCI Environment and Energy Awards recognize businesses that have demonstrated outstanding achievement in environmental protection and enhancement.
What's New
Team members with Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management (OREM) contractor UCOR have successfully lifted and removed the lower reactor vessel from the Oak Ridge Research Reactor, also known as Building 3042. The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management accomplishment was a major development for one of the largest deactivation projects at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).
Safety is always the top priority at UCOR. We are a DOE Voluntary Protection Program Star site, a designation given to only the safest sites in the DOE Complex. Our award-winning safety performance has earned us many accolades.
Employee involvement is a key aspect of our safety culture. We empower our workers to stop work if they see something questionable. We also have strong worker engagement program to ensure our team members feel safe in their work environment.