Excavator doing demolition on the main Alpha-2 building

Workers make progress on Alpha-2 demolition

Workers are making great progress demolishing the Alpha-2 complex during the second phase of demolition. Starting on the southwest corner of the main building, crews have demolished more than 11,700 square feet of the facility. Main building demolition began after the successful demolition of the carpentry building—part of the Alpha-2 complex—earlier this year. Enough debris…

Spotlight on Paula Eiche, Summer York, Nicole Wilson, and Amy Moore

Meet radiological professionals Paula Eich, Summer York, Nicole Wilson, and Amy Moore who support the UCOR team working deactivating the ORNL Oak Ridge Research Reactor Building. These four women make a strong team, which has extended beyond the boundaries of work into a friendship. They share personal and professional experiences to guide one another through…

Heavy equipment removing the K-2500-AB tent

Crews demolishing two EU-20 structures at ETTP Heritage Center

Crews are removing two structures from the EU-20 footprint at ETTP Heritage Center as part of the remaining facilities disposition effort. This area includes the north end of the previously demolished-25 Building. The K-2500-J tent, also known as the Segmentation Shop Storage Facility, was demolished and hauled to the ORRL last week. The K-2500-AB demolition…