UCOR safety culture recognized at national forum
For Immediate Release Contact: Chris Caldwell Christopher.Caldwell@orcc.doe.gov…
For Immediate Release Contact: Chris Caldwell Christopher.Caldwell@orcc.doe.gov…
The landscape is starting to change at the Mercury Treatment Facility (MTF) project at Y-12. Until recently, much of the work has been taking place below ground level. However, crews have now installed the first of three sludge settling tanks. These tanks are essential to the project’s commitment to reduce mercury levels in the East…
Meet Mary Alice Douglass, UCOR’s Human Resources Manager. Hear Mary Alice talk about the importance of people as well as how she spends her time away from work.
Crews continue deactivating the hot cell structure that used to be part of the Radioisotope Development Laboratory at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. They installed a sleeve through an opening to provide a protective, smooth pathway for the crew to move tools and waste in and out of the cell opening. The structure is scheduled…
UCOR has once again been recognized for its efforts to have a more environmentally friendly future. The NAFA Fleet Management Association, the vehicle fleet industry’s largest membership association, has presented UCOR a Green Fleet Award. The Green Fleet Awards recognize peak-performing fleet sustainability efforts and honor fleets who have enhanced practices to make a positive…
Crews at the ORNL Experimental Gas-Cooled Reactor have been working for months to get the last waste loadout of asbestos, metal debris, and hazardous waste materials from the building’s experimental cells and utility tunnel—a total of 39,840 pounds—ready for shipping. Now workers can pour 8,300 cubic yards of concrete in the areas below the ground…
Meet Clay Hartman, a project engineer for Waste Operations. Clay helps ensure that waste shipments keep rolling as UCOR works to clean up the Oak Ridge Reservation
Our Characterization Operations team is collecting surface soil samples as part of their early site characterization work at the 30-acre White Wing Scrap Yard. This parcel will be the site of the recently announced Orano USA multi-billion-dollar uranium enrichment facility. Pictured are workers using hand augers to collect samples from the top two feet of…
Congratulations to two of our safety & health professionals for being honored for the contributions to their field. Mel McKenzie received the President’s Award at the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) Safety24 Conference and Expo. As a member of the Leadership Conference Planning Committee, Mel received the award “for transforming ASSP’s Leadership Conference into…
Workers have started demolishing the Alpha-2 Complex, starting with the Carpentry Shop. The Carpentry Shop is one of four structures making up the complex. The other three are Building 9201-2, the Fusion Energy Building (referred to as Alpha-2); Building 9401-1, the Old Steam Plant Building; and Building 9501-2, a 161 kV steel transformer. Crews have…