For Immediate Release
Contact: Chris Caldwell, UCOR
SBA approves two mentor-protégé agreements for UCOR
Oak Ridge, Tenn., August 29, 2023 – The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has approved United Cleanup Oak Ridge LLC (UCOR), the Department of Energy’s (DOE) cleanup contractor for the Oak Ridge Reservation, to enter into mentor-protégé agreements with two of the company’s small business teaming partners, RSI Entech, LLC (RSI) and Strata-G LLC.
The SBA Mentor-Protégé program encourages experienced government contractors to provide mutually beneficial developmental help to small businesses so the protégés can compete more effectively for federal procurement opportunities. UCOR’s new mentor-protégé agreements are six years long, which provides time for the capabilities of each protégé to grow so they can better support the cleanup mission of the DOE Oak Ridge Offices of Environmental Management (OREM).
UCOR is in its second year of a 10-year, $8.3 billion environmental cleanup contract for DOE OREM. The company is an Amentum-led joint venture with Jacobs, and Honeywell, along with small business partners RSI , Strata-G, Longenecker & Associates, and Environmental Alternatives Inc. Under a different configuration of companies, UCOR completed an 11-year cleanup contract that included the first ever removal of a gaseous diffusion plant (East Tennessee Technology Park, the former Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant).
Protégé company RSI is a Small Disadvantaged Business and part of the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation family of companies. RSI specializes in remediation services, industrial site reuse, and integrating project planning, execution, and closure activities. Under the mentor-protégé agreement, UCOR will provide management and technical assistance in areas including groundwater remediation project management and business process and procedural improvements
Diana Osbourne, UCOR’s small business program manager, said, “The timing is ideal as UCOR moves into follow-on phases of groundwater projects, including engineering design, field remedial actions, operation/maintenance of remedial systems and remedial action reporting.”
Protégé company Strata-G specializes in providing personnel support for engineering, environmental, safety, industrial hygiene, waste management, transportation, and project management and business administration for federal government and commercial customers. UCOR will mentor Strata-G in developing more robust federal compliance procedures and plans that address elements of facility support services. UCOR will also work with Strata-G to strengthen the company’s capabilities to execute project and scope-specific work.
UCOR’s 2,200+ workers are dedicated to safely reducing environmental risk on the Oak Ridge Reservation while helping DOE’s Office of Science and the National Nuclear Security Administration continue their important missions. Learn more about the company at
UCOR NR 2023-13
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PHOTO CAPTION: Representatives of mentor and protégé companies (left to right) John Patterson, Strata-G President; Diana Osbourne, UCOR Small Business Program Manager; Allison Getsi, RSI President; Kala Dickerson, UCOR Contract & Acquisition Services Manager.