For Immediate Release
Contact: Sonya Johnson
(702) 219-1073
UCOR Accepting Applications for 2021 STEM Education Mini-Grant Program
Oak Ridge, Tenn., February 22, 2021 – Local teachers may submit applications for support of classroom science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) projects. For the 10th consecutive year, UCOR, an Amentum-led partnership with Jacobs, is accepting mini-grant applications for STEM educational projects. Public school teachers in eight counties are eligible to apply.
This year, UCOR will award mini-grants directly to teachers and schools in Anderson, Campbell, Knox, Loudon, Morgan, Roane, Scott, and Union counties (including Oak Ridge and Clinton City schools). Teachers submitting applications should focus on STEM relevance. For instance, a music teacher might apply for a grant for a math- related project within the field of music.
Sample projects that received mini-grant support in 2020 include the Midway School Girls Stem Club. Grant money allowed them to purchase Vernier GoDirect Sensors to study data collection. At Oneida Elementary School, 4th grade students were able to study the shake, rattle, and roll of motion using Lego called WeDo 2.0 kits. And at Fairview Elementary School, students were challenged to do some hands on problem-solving as they studied the physical properties of the solar system.
Teachers and administrators may download the application from the UCOR website ( More information about proposals and evaluation criteria is also available there. Teachers can apply grants in the amount of $500 (for a single classroom), $750 (for a grade or several classes working together), or $1,000 (for a whole-school project). The program does not limit the number of submissions schools may submit.
UCOR will accept applications from Feb. 22 and until 5 p.m. on March 21, 2021. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered. Winners will be notified no later than April 22.
For more information about the UCOR Education Mini-Grants Program, contact Shannon Potter, UCOR Communications, at (865) 576-7476 or
UCOR, an Amentum-led partnership with Jacobs, is the DOE Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management’s lead environmental cleanup partner. After safely removing the last of the legacy facilities from East Tennessee Technology Park (ETTP), the former Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant, the company’s highly trained workforce is removing unused, contaminated facilities at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the Y-12 National
Security Complex, while continuing remedial actions at ETTP. UCOR’s more than 1,900 workers are dedicated
to safely reducing environmental risk and helping the DOE Office of Science and the National Nuclear Security
Administration to continue their missions. Learn more about the company at
UCOR NR 2021-01