For Immediate Release
Contact: Ashley Hartman
(865) 574-7231
Oak Ridge, Tenn., June 1, 2018 – Emergency responders from the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) East Tennessee Technology Park (ETTP), along with federal, state and local emergency management personnel, will conduct an emergency exercise on Tuesday, June 12.
The public may observe emergency responders simulating response activities and performing environmental monitoring or sampling in the area surrounding the Oak Ridge Reservation. These activities are part of the exercise.
The exercise will begin at approximately 7:30 a.m. eastern time and conclude around 2 p.m.
This event is one of a series of emergency exercises conducted regularly by the DOE in Oak Ridge. The exercises test the ability of emergency personnel to respond quickly and effectively to emergency situations and ensure that the public, site employees and the environment would be protected in the event of an actual emergency on the DOE’s Oak Ridge Reservation.
UCOR is DOE’s cleanup contractor for ETTP and other sites on the Oak Ridge Reservation.
UCOR NR 2018-7