Roger Jarrell Joins UCOR

For Immediate Release Contact: Ashley Hartman (865) 574-7231 Oak Ridge, Tenn., June 25, 2018 – Roger Jarrell, former senior advisor to the Secretary of Energy for Environmental Management (EM), has joined URS | CH2M Oak Ridge LLC (UCOR). He will be serving as UCOR’s Government and Stakeholder Relations Interface. In this role, he will…

UCOR Summer Interns Sharpen Career Skills

For Immediate Release Contact: Ashley Hartman (865) 574-7231 Oak Ridge, Tenn., June 4, 2018 – URS | CH2M Oak Ridge LLC (UCOR) welcomes 15 students from nine universities in five states to an 11-week summer internship program where they are being immersed in topics and activities related to their chosen field of study. The…

Emergency Preparedness Exercise Planned for ETTP on June 12

For Immediate Release Contact: Ashley Hartman (865) 574-7231 Oak Ridge, Tenn., June 1, 2018 – Emergency responders from the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) East Tennessee Technology Park (ETTP), along with federal, state and local emergency management personnel, will conduct an emergency exercise on Tuesday, June 12. The public may observe emergency responders simulating response…