For Immediate Release
Contact: Chris Caldwell
(804) 658-8367
UCOR releases 2022 annual report
Oak Ridge, Tenn., Feb. 8, 2023 – United Cleanup Oak Ridge (UCOR) has released its 2022 annual report, showcasing a year of significant accomplishments for the environmental cleanup contractor.
In May 2022, the company transitioned from the East Tennessee Technology Park cleanup contract with the Department of Energy, which was completed ahead of schedule and under budget, to the Oak Ridge Reservation Cleanup Contract. This new contract expands cleanup operations to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the Y-12 National Security Complex. The Amentum-led partnership with Jacobs that led the first contract added Honeywell as a partner for the new contract to operate the 10-year, $8.3 billion cleanup contract.
This annual report encompasses the full 2022 fiscal year (October 2021 through September 2022) and includes accomplishments under the new and previous contracts. It also includes work leading up to the transition of the Transuranic Waste Process Center that became a part of the company in October 2022.
“UCOR closed the books in 2022 on one of the most successful Superfund cleanup projects ever undertaken and has now opened a new chapter in Oak Ridge cleanup,” wrote UCOR President and CEO Ken Rueter in the report’s opening statement. “We are off to a great start, having completed the first-ever demolition of a reactor in Oak Ridge—the ORNL Bulk Shielding Reactor. At Y-12, we completed slab removal at the Biology Complex site, enabling the property to be transferred to the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) for a lithium production facility, and demolished the Criticality Experiment Laboratory,” he added.
The 2022 report is available from UCOR’s website:
UCOR is the DOE Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management’s lead environmental cleanup contractor. The company’s 2,100+ workers are dedicated to safely reducing environmental risk on the Oak Ridge Reservation while helping DOE’s Office of Science and the National Nuclear Security Administration continue their important missions. Learn more about the company at
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