For Immediate Release
Contact: Chris Caldwell, UCOR
UCOR achieves two national safety awards
Oak Ridge, Tenn., August 23, 2023 – The National Safety Council (NSC) and EHS Daily Advisor have underscored the strong safety culture at United Cleanup Oak Ridge (UCOR) with recent awards.
The NSC honored UCOR with its prestigious 2023 Industry Leader Award. The highly competitive award recognizes UCOR’s excellent safety performance in the waste management and remediation industry. The Industry Leader Awards are based on an organization’s total incidence rate and safe employee hours in calendar year 2022. Organizations like UCOR who achieve the recognition have developed exemplary safety cultures.
“It’s this kind of commitment to advancing safety that enables workers to live their fullest lives on and off the job,” said Kristin Witters, director of membership at the National Safety Council.
EHS Daily Advisor, a daily e-mail newsletter for safety and EH&S professionals, presented UCOR with its Safety Standout Award for Moving Beyond Compliance. Sponsored by SafeStart, the award recognizes UCOR’s “strong focus on off-the-job safety and in protecting your workers no matter where they are.” The award also commends UCOR for its emphasis on constant communication and the company’s commitment to empowering supervisors to take care of their teams.
Accepting the award, UCOR’s Chief Safety & Security officer Clint Wolfley said, “This award is an affirmation of all of the hard work that our workforce does day in and day out with the commitment to coming to work and being able to leave to go home the same way, and in some cases, even better by taking the (safety) knowledge they learned on the job home with them.”
UCOR has a wide array of worker- and company-led efforts, including the Mission Ready fitness-for-duty program, local safety improvement teams, and a vehicle safety awareness program. The company has an onsite health clinic and has recently launched an employee mental health program.
UCOR, an Amentum-led partnership with Jacobs and Honeywell, is the DOE Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management’s lead environmental cleanup contractor. The company’s 2,200+ workers are dedicated to safely reducing environmental risk on the Oak Ridge Reservation while helping DOE’s Office of Science and the National Nuclear Security Administration continue their important missions. Learn more about the company at
UCOR NR 2023-12
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